Detox Program
To carry a detoxification program on regular basis keeps your colon, liver, and entire system clean and healthy. A healthy colon protects your digestive system and body from contracting any diseases, because a clean colon does not contain bad bacteria that promote diseases. Irregular eating habits, illness, change in lifestyle are certain prime factors that disrupt the normal digestion and leads to constipation, upset stomach, and several other diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to deploy a detox procedure. Different individuals suffer from different irregularities linked mostly with colon. However, remedies for colon related irregularities are same.
There are several methods of body detoxification. However, here is a description of an ideal detox program for cleansing your colon.
Body detox plan:
First Step: Provision or preparation
First, you need to discontinue the use of any medications, which are not necessary. So, consult your healthcare specialist before starting any body cleansing program. In addition, you cannot consume any vitamin pills. Few people say that fasting before the body detoxification is essential, but it is not needed.
However, you need to avoid consuming unhealthy foodstuffs such as chocolates, coffee, pasteurized milk, candy and black tea. Eat only three to four meals in a single day.
Second Step: buy some detox products.
Example of a cleansing shake:
You will need bentonite clay, Psyllium husk to prepare the cleansing shake.
Next, blend one teaspoon of clay and one teaspoon of Psyllium Husk in a glass of water. Keep another glass of water ready, because you will have to drink it after consuming the shake. Dissolve the mixture thoroughly and drink it two hours before having the meal. You may also consume this shake two hours after the meal. After consuming this shake, drink a glass of water, so that seeds of Psyllium do not clog in throat.
You need to prepare and drink this shake for three days continuously. On the fourth day, you need to drink the shake two times in a day. Drink the shake for three times on day six, four times on day seven and from the eighth day drink the shake 14 times in a day.
Continue to drink the shake for a few more days until you feel cleaned from within. Most people stop consuming the drink after two months, but it depends on the severity of symptoms.
Third Step: Dehydrating process:
When you consume this cleansing shake, the constituents present in the shake dehydrate your system. Hence, it is essential that you drink as much as fluid possible. Keep away from tea as well as coffee. Drink fresh juice, herbal tea or plain water instead.
Fourth Step: consume probiotic:
The detoxification process not only eliminates harmful toxins, but also removes aerobic bacteria from the body. Therefore, you need to reinstate it in the body by consuming probiotic. Probiotics are dietary supplements that contain beneficial bacteria and yeasts. Hence, you need to consume probiotic to aid in replenishing aerobic bacteria in body.
Fifth step:
To prevent the accumulation of toxins in body again, drink salt water daily. Salt water removes small deposits of waste material that may have accumulated in your colon. To make consumable salt water, add two salt quarts in a glass of water and drink it in the morning after getting up. Initially, you may find it difficult to consume, but the benefit of drinking such water is far more.
You may take detox foot patches during the nights during the whole cleansing period.
Many individuals opt for body detoxification for a maximum of two or four weeks. Some of you may find relief within this period. However, if you are older and have not detoxified your body earlier, then it may take some more time. In such case, it may take two months for a thorough body detox. After the completion of a detox diet or detox programs, eat healthy food at proper time, do regular exercises and consume lot of water.